Help Judah on her Journey to the Spero Clinic image

Help Judah on her Journey to the Spero Clinic

$54,038 raised

$60,000 goal

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Hi. My name is Judah, and I wanted to take a moment to share a deeply personal journey I've been on for the past two years. It all started with a minor fracture in my left foot when, in a moment of youthful stupidity, I made the mistake of running barefoot down a hill full of big tree roots. Little did I know that this seemingly innocent act would lead me down a path I never could have imagined.

Shortly after my fracture, I underwent a series of medical procedures, including 11 x-rays, 2 MRI's, and a CT scan. It was during this time that I received a life-altering diagnosis: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), a neurological dysfunction that has completely changed the way I experience the world.

CRPS is a condition associated with the imbalance and malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. To put it simply, it is one of the most excruciatingly painful diseases known to humankind, surpassing even childbirth and amputation on the McGill Pain Index. The pain I endure can only be described as feeling like I am being burned alive.

Living with CRPS has presented me with countless challenges. Imagine waking up each day, only to be greeted by the sensation of being stabbed, burned, and crushed as soon as you step out of bed. No matter what I do, the pain persists relentlessly. It affects even the simplest tasks like going to school, tidying my room, or just trying to live a normal life. It casts a shadow over activities that once brought me joy, making me feel as though I'm wearing a mask of happiness.

For a period of nine months, from 2021 to 2022, I dedicated myself to intensive physical therapy twice a week. The goal was to regain strength and function in my left leg. In July 2022, my family and I traveled all the way from Florida to Philadelphia to participate in the CRPS program at the renowned Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The program proved invaluable as it allowed me to relearn how to walk and run barefoot, restoring mobility to my left leg. Unfortunately, unlike others who completed the program, my pain did not go into remission and has only intensified since then.

Desperately seeking relief, we recently discovered the Spero Clinic, a unique medical treatment center in Arkansas that takes a different approach to treating CRPS. This clinic has achieved remarkable success in putting CRPS patients from all over the world into remission. Their comprehensive 12-week Neurologic Rehabilitation program offers hope for a pain-free future.

However, the costs of this program, including living expenses, are not covered by insurance. This is where your kindness and support become invaluable. I humbly ask you to consider joining me on this journey by helping to raise the necessary funds to complete the program. Your contribution would bring me one step closer to regaining a pain-free life and experiencing the joy that has been overshadowed for far too long.

At the age of 12, I probably shouldn't be familiar with all these complex medical terms. But the reality is that CRPS has consumed my life for the past two years. It has forced me to grow up faster than my peers, confronting challenges that no child should have to face. Yet, in the midst of it all, I remain resilient and hopeful, believing that with your support, I can conquer this pain and reclaim my childhood.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my story. Your compassion and generosity mean the world to me, and I am forever grateful for any assistance you can provide.

With sincere gratitude,


We are partnering with the Burning Limb Foundation for our fundraising campaign. Burning Limb is a 501c3 non-profit, your donations are tax deductible.